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Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17039 Discussions

Quartus Prime Pro 20.4 schematic entry: disable "drag to zoom"

926 Visites

Is there any chance to disable the "drag to zoom" feature in Quartus Prime Pro 20.4?

With the "selection tool" active: When i leftclick somewhere in a block design file, i only can select something when i drag the mouse from topleft to bottom right. Draging the mouse into any other direction enables me to zoom in/out/fit.

I previously used Quartus Prime Pro 19.4. Selecting with the selection tool is here possible by dragging into any direction. And this is the behaviour I know since Quartus 8.0 (!)

So how can i disable this annoying "drag to zoom" feature in Quartus Prime Pro 20.4?

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1 Solution
912 Visites

Unfortunately, there is no way to disable the feature. The feature is added to have consistent zoom via mouse stroke behaviors across Quartus tools.

Voir la solution dans l'envoi d'origine

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2 Réponses
913 Visites

Unfortunately, there is no way to disable the feature. The feature is added to have consistent zoom via mouse stroke behaviors across Quartus tools.

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909 Visites

Since I have answered your question, I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

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