Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16601 Discussions

Question about 1 port ram

Honored Contributor II

Hello, I am new to VHDL. Currently I need to use M20K memory on Stratix V chip to store some data. I have two of these kind memory, m1 and m2. Each have 128 data, each data is 32 bit. I also use comparator from IP Catalog to do the comparison and pick the smallest 128 numbers among m1 and m2. I am wondering if I can directly add process in the architecture of m1 and m2 to make it easier to do the comparison. 


Many thanks for the help.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

128 data at 32 bit is only 4k, using only about 20% of the ram. 

What architecture are you talking about. Do you have some code we can see?
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Honored Contributor II


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128 data at 32 bit is only 4k, using only about 20% of the ram. 

What architecture are you talking about. Do you have some code we can see? 

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thank you for your help! 


the following is the code automatically generated from IP Catalog wizard for the 1 port RAM using M20K memory. I am wondering if I can add some extra ports/components, and add some process into the architecture part to perform some actions. 


LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; LIBRARY altera_mf; USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all; ENTITY memory IS PORT ( clock : IN STD_LOGIC := '1'; data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); rdaddress : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 DOWNTO 0); wraddress : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 DOWNTO 0); wren : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0) ); END memory; ARCHITECTURE SYN OF memory IS SIGNAL sub_wire0 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN q <= sub_wire0(31 DOWNTO 0); altsyncram_component : altsyncram GENERIC MAP ( address_aclr_b => "NONE", address_reg_b => "CLOCK0", clock_enable_input_a => "BYPASS", clock_enable_input_b => "BYPASS", clock_enable_output_b => "BYPASS", enable_ecc => "FALSE", init_file => "initial_data.mif", intended_device_family => "Stratix V", lpm_type => "altsyncram", maximum_depth => 128, numwords_a => 128, numwords_b => 128, operation_mode => "DUAL_PORT", outdata_aclr_b => "NONE", outdata_reg_b => "UNREGISTERED", power_up_uninitialized => "FALSE", ram_block_type => "M20K", read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports => "DONT_CARE", widthad_a => 7, widthad_b => 7, width_a => 32, width_b => 32, width_byteena_a => 1 ) PORT MAP ( address_a => wraddress, address_b => rdaddress, clock0 => clock, data_a => data, wren_a => wren, q_b => sub_wire0 ); END SYN;
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Honored Contributor II

You could do that, but why not do it in your own file where you instantiate the ram and connect to it? It would make the code more readable.

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