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Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17039 Discussions

The Quartus Prime Software quit unexpectedly

2 447 Visites

Running Quartus Standard Edition 18.1 (cannot upgrade). Always had no issue in the past but recently keep getting the message "The Quartus Prime software quit unexpectedly" whenever "Start Compilation" clicked. The design did not change.


The error is

Internal Error: Sub-system: SDR, File: /quartus/sld/sdr/sdr_data_session.cpp, Line: 2089
Unexpected FIO_FILE_SYSTEM::status() return



Not sure what to fix.

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8 Réponses
2 402 Visites


To me this is directly a bug since the error message is internal error.

Is it possible to attach the qar of the design or small design that replicate the issue?

You can send the design privately via private chat if the design is confidential or email.

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2 390 Visites

How to send it through email or private chat?

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Précieux contributeur III
2 381 Visites

What is the operating system?

Have there been recent updates installed?

Did it stop working after some recent update?

Maybe back out recent updates and pause updates to debug the issue.

That is an older version of Quartus and recent system updates may be incompatible.

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2 357 Visites

Running 18.1 for almost 9 months on Windows 10. No updates done.

What I discovered is (not solution yet), removing the signal tap file and deleting the "filename.cmp.rdb", then compilation works without the Quartus quitting unexpectedly.


The signal tap files worked for a week so. No change made. So not sure why yet.

0 Compliments
2 366 Visites

I sent an email to you and can reply and attach the design there or via private message ( I have sent to you).

Let me know if you did not receive any of those.

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2 348 Visites

After removing the signal tap file from project, deleting the project.cmp.rdb file, I recreated a NEW the signal tap file. Now I can compile. Not sure why the previous STP file is the issue. It was working for a long time.

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2 319 Visites

Hi Ganesan,

Glad you had found the workaround for this.

The example design from you might be good test case for Quartus enhancement, thus hopefully you able to provide that.

Otherwise let me know if there is any other concern.

0 Compliments
2 300 Visites

I’m glad that your question has been addressed, I now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

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