Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17036 Discussions

Unable to regenerate BSP in Eclipse NIOS II EDS

Honored Contributor II



I recently made a project in the NIOS II EDS version 11.1. 


In eclipse I made a BSP and an application to run with the BSP. 


Everything worked fine many times, but for some unknown reason, when i want to build, I get this error: 


**** Build of configuration Nios II for project rts_experiment **** make all Info: Building ../rts_experiment_bsp/ make --no-print-directory -C ../rts_experiment_bsp/ Makefile not up to date. ../../swsched.sopcinfo has been modified since the BSP was generated. Generate the BSP to update the Makefile, and then build again. To generate from Eclipse: 1. Right-click the BSP project. 2. In the Nios II Menu, click Generate BSP. To generate from the command line: nios2-bsp-generate-files --settings=<settings file> --bsp-dir=<target bsp files directory> make: *** Error 1 make: *** Error 2  


However, the BSP project seems to be broken, since if i right-click it, I dont get the generate BSP option in the menu :((((  


I made a picture but I can't upload it since i first need 5 posts :S. Its truly not in the right-click menu anymore while it used to be there all the time :(. 


This is really annoying me for a few days now, since I have to do the whole create new BSP wizards EVERY TIME i make an adjustment to my system. 


I also can't use the command line command in windows, dunno if its supposed to work under windows at all. 



I'd be much obliged if someone could help me! 


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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I had the same issue, but only reinstall of Eclipse helped then.

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Honored Contributor II

I have found out that the nios2-bsp-generate-files executable is in (for default location): 




If you go there on the command line in windows, you can type: 


nios2-bsp-generate-files.exe --settings=<path to bsp folder>\settings.bsp --bsp-dir=<path to bsp folder>  


For me it was for example: 


C:\altera\11.1sp1\nios2eds\sdk2\bin>nios2-bsp-generate-files.exe --settings=C:\rts\rts_jwp_2011\hw\software\rts_experiment_bsp\set tings.bsp --bsp-dir=C:\rts\rts_jwp_2011\hw\software\rts_experiment_bsp  


Then it will indeed generate the bsp manually again like it says in the help text of the error. 


Won't have to reinstall eclipse!

in my case, I did something similar, the difference is that I have version 18.1


C:\intelFPGA_lite\18.1\nios2eds\sdk2\bin>nios2-bsp-generate-files --settings=C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp\settings.bsp --bsp-dir=C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp

INFO: Generating BSP files...
INFO: nios2-bsp-generate-files --settings C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp\settings.bsp --bsp-dir C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp
INFO: Initializing BSP components...
INFO: Finished initializing BSP components. Total time taken = 4 seconds
INFO: Searching for BSP components with category: os_software_element
INFO: Initializing SOPC project local software IP
INFO: [Info] <b>C:/Users/Bryan/Documents/UNI/Microcontroladores/tutorial3/*</b> matched 31 files in 0,05 seconds
INFO: [Info] <b>C:/Users/Bryan/Documents/UNI/Microcontroladores/tutorial3/*/*_sw.tcl</b> matched 0 files in 0,01 seconds
INFO: [Info] <b>C:/Users/Bryan/Documents/UNI/Microcontroladores/tutorial3/ip/**/*_sw.tcl</b> matched 0 files in 0,00 seconds
INFO: [Info] <b>C:/Users/Bryan/Documents/UNI/Microcontroladores/ip/**/*_sw.tcl</b> matched 0 files in 0,00 seconds
INFO: Finished initializing SOPC project local software IP. Total time taken = 2 seconds
INFO: Searching for BSP components with category: driver_element
INFO: Searching for BSP components with category: software_package_element
INFO: No memory regions found in BSP Settings File. Default memory regions generated.
INFO: Loading drivers from ensemble report.
INFO: Finished loading drivers from ensemble report.
INFO: Generating BSP files in "C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp"
INFO: Default memory regions will not be persisted in BSP Settings File.
INFO: Generated file "C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp\settings.bsp"
INFO: Generated file "C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp\summary.html"
INFO: Generated file "C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp\"
INFO: Generated file "C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp\"
INFO: Generated file "C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp\Makefile"
INFO: Finished generating BSP files. Total time taken = 2 seconds
INFO: BSP files generated in "C:\Users\Bryan\Documents\UNI\Microcontroladores\tutorial3\software\lights_bsp"


and then you can build without problem

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Honored Contributor II

Hi, could someone maybe clarify the solution above for me. I don't fully understand what do with the path-specification mentioned. In my simple mindedness I tried typing the entire thing in the windows command line ("run"-box), using the path to my own project directory of course... A black console appeared doing its thing briefly, so maybe I did it right... just don't know because it did not work... 


I'm working on a restricted faculty computer though, so maybe that's the problem. Reinstalling the program is really not possible either... A truly frustrating annoyance that the program simply can't remember where it created the project, when it all seems rather spelled out for it...
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi, could someone maybe clarify the solution above for me. I don't fully understand what do with the path-specification mentioned. In my simple mindedness I tried typing the entire thing in the windows command line ("run"-box), using the path to my own project directory of course... A black console appeared doing its thing briefly, so maybe I did it right... just don't know because it did not work... 


I'm working on a restricted faculty computer though, so maybe that's the problem. Reinstalling the program is really not possible either... A truly frustrating annoyance that the program simply can't remember where it created the project, when it all seems rather spelled out for it... 

--- Quote End ---  



regenerate a new BSP by right clicking on the bsp project and then go to nios II and generate bsp and then run your program as a hardware.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hii I am doing a simple project in Quartus of hello world using NIOS. The issue I am facing is this error message, 

[ Description Resource Path Location Type 

make: *** [../proj_nios_bsp/-recurs-make-lib] Error -1073741511 proj_nios C/C++ Problem] 


Please help me out!!!! I am not able to find any solution.
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