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20688 Discussions

Clock enable for connected module not having it

New Contributor I

Consider the following code:


reg [1:0] div = {2{1'b0}};
always@(posedge clock)
    div[1:0] <= div[1:0] + 1'b1;
wire clk_enable = (div[1:0] == 2'b00);
always@(posedge clock or negedge reset) begin
    if(!reset) data <= 1'b1;
    else if(clk_enable)
        data <= ~data;
It creates the following circuit
and this is my target design. Now consider the following layout:
reg [1:0] div = {2{1'b0}};
always@(posedge clock)
    div[1:0] <= div[1:0] + 1'b1;
wire clk_enable = (div[1:0] == 2'b00);
clkena_test clkena_test(
with module clkena_test containing
module clkena_test (
    input wire clock,
    input wire reset,
    output reg data = 1'b1
always@(posedge clock or negedge reset) begin
    if(!reset) data <= 1'b1;
    else data <= ~data;
You can see that module clkena_test does not use clock enable.

Is there any way to tell Quartus to create clock enable signal within any clock use in clkena_test module? The workaround could be opening clkena_test.v file, and manually add if(clkena) into every always construct. But this would not work if I use auto-generated IP which may be overwritten by the tool, and thus all changes will get lost. Note: gated clock is NOT a solution.

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10 Replies
Honored Contributor III

You can use if-generate or case-generate and a parameter to do this in any submodule.

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New Contributor I

I do not understand, please give example. I have this situation with remote update (generated by Quartus megawizard) which can not run at 120 MHz, and need to lower the clock speed 8 times, still keeping the remote update clock synchronized with main design clock (passing data within same clock domain) - and looking for easiest solution, which, from my point of view, using clock enable. But remote update IP does not have clock enable input to it.

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Honored Contributor III

So your question is a little unclear.

You're not asking specifically about clkena_test, the test code you posted.  You're talking about instantiating an IP that does not include a clock enable input and you're asking how to add clock enable to something that doesn't have it.  Is that correct?

If I'm interpreting this correctly, then you need to use a clock gate.  But don't gate the clock directly.  Use a clock control block (altclkctrl) IP, which includes an option for clock enable.  Then feed the output of the clock control block to the IP that does not include clock enable.

If I'm still not interpreting this correctly, perhaps you can include a diagram or something to better explain exactly what you want/need.

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New Contributor I

@sstrell wrote:

You're talking about instantiating an IP that does not include a clock enable input and you're asking how to add clock enable to something that doesn't have it.  Is that correct?

Yes, and target design is remote update.


@sstrell wrote:

If I'm interpreting this correctly, then you need to use a clock gate.  But don't gate the clock directly.  Use a clock control block (altclkctrl) IP, which includes an option for clock enable.  Then feed the output of the clock control block to the IP that does not include clock enable.

I am using altclkctrl in another design selecting master frequency for MP3 playback. But I am not sure if the circuit based on altclkcrtl will have output clock in the same clock domain as its input clock, and if it will appear that they are guaranteed to be synchronized, what will be final clock delay, and in which direction.

My main module, which connects remote update, uses master clock of e.g. 120 MHz. Remote update needs slower clock. Let's say these 120 MHz divided by 4 or 8 (just as an example).  And I need both circuits to be fully synchronized to be able to pass multiwire data between them without metastability, ideally not using synchronizers or cross-domain handshaking (using some scarce silicon).

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Honored Contributor III

So use a clock control block or a separate PLL.  You might also need multicycle timing exceptions in your .sdc file to line up the setup and hold timing correctly.

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New Contributor I

Thank you very much! I have several questions left:

1. how many clock controllers can be set up in Cyclone 3? They seem using dedicated logic, but I can not find this information in the documentation;

2. should I pass both master clock, and slower clock through clock controllers for compensate for the delays in them? (see below)


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New Contributor I

The things may be more complicated than I thought before. Analyzing the remote update block documentation I do not see any specification for the clock. I see only clock speed up to 40 MHz and that it must be "valid". Nothing about clock duty cycle. And unfortunately, implementing the clocking using clock enable turns clock to duty cycle other than 50%, and pulse width will be the same as original clock at 120 MHz. Within the "remote_update" module clock connects to "cycloneiii_rublock", and I can not find any information on it.

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New Contributor I

I decided to go the other route changing the architecture rather than considering more and more complex clocking problem. Now I use one control signal using synchronizer, and ensure that data is held several cycles after synchronizer finishes to ensure set up and hold times are not violated when circuit driving remote update latches the data.

Thanks for your help.

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Hi @EugenyB 


It seems to me that you have find a solution. 

Could you help to confirm and let me know if you need further help in regards to this case? 


Best Regards,
Richard Tan

p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel support are helpful, please feel free to give Kudos. 

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I have yet to receive any response from you but I believed that you have found a solution to your question. 
With that, I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Richard Tan

p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel support are helpful, please feel free to give Kudos. 

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