Programmable Devices
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"Quartus Prime Pro Edition compilation directory structure" message in Quartus Prime Std


I'm getting the following message when I try to open a project:


This project uses the Quartus Prime Pro Edition compilation directory structure. It can only be opened in the Quartus Prime Pro Edition.


The problem I have is that this is a project for the Cyclone 10 LP. The Cyclone 10 LP is not available as a device target for Quartus Prime Pro.


Is it possible to use the Cyclone 10 LP in Quartus Prime Pro?


Alternatively, is it possible to get Quartus Prime Std to open this project. It appears to have last been compiled 22.1std.1 Standard Edition according to the .qsf file in the project:

LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "22.1std.1 Standard Edition"

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I'm not sure why you would get that message.  As you mention, Cyclone 10 LP is not supported in Pro, only Standard.

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Please share your design by archiving the project (Project > Archive Project) so that I can investigate it further.

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

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Hi Richard,

I found my solution here:

A folder created by Quartus Prime Pro needed to be deleted.

I think I previously opened the project in Pro before realizing there was no device support for the Cyclone 10 LP. So it created the folder and I didn’t realize that.

Since you offered to review an uploaded design. I wanted to know how that works for future reference. Is it uploaded privately under NDA? I wouldn’t be able to upload anything with our IP to a public forum.
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If the customer does not want to post the design publicly in forum, they can upload the file through FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

We will send you an email will the unique host, username and password so you can upload the file.

p.s: Please take note that the file will be deleted automatically after 1 day. Please notify the us asap once the file has been uploaded. And also not recommend to upload over the weekend.

Best Regards,

Richard Tan

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Hi @mark-blackburn-bakerh 

I'm pleased to know that your question has been addressed. 


Now, I will transition this thread to community support. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you and have a great day!


Best Regards,
Richard Tan


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