Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2154 Discussions

RST not working following Windows 10 update



I have a RAID 0,1 array on my PC. The Intel RST software recently stopped working following a Windows 10 update.

I checked the posts on this forum and have changed the startup type to "Automatic" as suggested, but this hasn't fixed it. I get a message saying "An unknown error occurred while running this application. If the problem persists, please restart your computer or try reinstalling the application" when I try to start the app. I presume the issue is that the driver needs to be updated?

My PC details are:

Alienware Aurora R4

CPU: 12 core i7 3930K @ 3.20 Ghz

Windows 10 64 bit

Disks: 4x ATA SATA 1 TB (model ST1000DM003-ER162 Revision 162)

Can you point me at a link for the correct new driver version to install please? Could you also confirm that the correct procedure is simply to uninstall the old driver and then load the new one?

Thanks in advance

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4 Replies

Hello SimonSchwabe,



I understand that you are currently experiencing problems with Intel ® RST since it shows an error message after Windows* 10 updated.



Regarding this, what I can recommend you to do is to download the version in the OEM's (Original Equipment Manufacturer) website. I was able to find the following link:



http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/product/alienware-aurora-r4/drivers http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/product/alienware-aurora-r4/drivers



* Please be aware that the content on that site is not controlled by Intel*. This information is offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel* for the merchants or services offered there. *



Make sure to fully uninstall it first, and then re-install using the file you downloaded from Dell's website. In our download center we do not have a version that supports your current operating system and hardware configuration, this is because the ones we have with your configuration are from Windows 8 and below.



I hope this helps.






David V
0 Kudos

Thanks for your response.

I have checked on the Dell website and found the only driver that seemed to be appropriate. I uninstalled the RST version that was no longer working and tried to install the new one - but that failed as it said that "this platform is not supported". So I am now in a position on having no RST software installed at all. While I sort this out, I have the following question:

Does RST completely control the RAID management functions (such as rebuilding in the case of something like a power interruption) or does it just provide a graphical interface to this? In other words, if I had a power interruption at this point, would the RAID verify and rebuild itself, or will it just sit there in a "verifying" state permanently? I am just trying to work out how large a problem this RST issue is, as I am beginning to doubt that there is a version of RST that actually works in Windows 10 with my configuration. The advice so far on the Dell website is to ditch RAID as RST is never going to work properly, and buy a SSD.

0 Kudos

Hello SimonSchwabe,



Thank you for your response.



I quite understand your position and I apologize for all of the inconveniences. What I can recommend you in this case is to get in contact with Dell* support directly, they will be able to assist you further in this case.



From our side there is no version that supports your Hardware - Operating System combination, however, Dell* does have a version that seems to be supported on Windows* 10 so that is why I mentioned the option to contact them and get this problem addressed.



Again, my apologies for not being able to assist further.






David V
0 Kudos

Ok thanks. I will call them.

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