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Windows Server 2008 R2 installation on SR1600URHSR with USB stick


Hello ,

This server has no DVD drive and so

I have prepared a USB stick with Windows Server2008 R2 (64Bit).


The server is started via EFI shell in EFI mode (bootx64.efi).


The setup starts normally. Input country, time zone, language ... custom installation ... hard drive preparation ...


Installation starts ... `` Files are being copied `` .... a blue screen appears.


The server is running with the latest available updates.



BIOS: 64


BMC: 64




ME: 1.12



I read that there were similar problems with BIOS version 63?


Do I have to install a lower BIOS version here to install Windows Server 2008 R2?



Best regards ,


Frank Esser.
0 Kudos
10 Replies

Hello, Frank,



It is not possible to install Windows* Server 2008 R2 on the Intel® Server System SR1600URHSR.



In regard to your case, please send me the current BIOS settings and tell me about the type of hard drive that you are using.



Please tell me if you already try to install the operating system on any other hard drive.



I am sending you the Tested Operating System List for Intel® Server Board S5520HC Family





Mike C



Hello ,

which BIOS settings do you need exactly?

SATA controller works in: AHCI mode

Boot Options: EFI optimized boot with legacy video support

The hard drive is a 1TB SATA3 ( DT01ACA100 ) from Toshiba.

This hard drive ran in our old server with the SE7320VP2 board.

Windows Server 2008R2 (64-bit) was installed in legacy / compatibility mode (such as CSM) . No problem .

I had contact with a Franklin ( Intel ) and David ( Intel ) because of my EFI problem , here on because of another server platform - S5400SF .

They told me that EFI installations would only be supported on 5520 platforms ( there starts the support ).

I am a bit confused ...

That would mean I have to buy a new server.

Regards ,

Frank .

0 Kudos

Hello ,

can there be a driver problem here?


When selecting the installation partition ( ín setup ) , the following error occurs:


`` The computer's hardware does not support booting from this disk``.


Do I need an EFI driver for these disks?


I contacted Toshiba support in this regard.



Best regards, Frank.
0 Kudos

Hello, Frank,



It is not possible to install Windows* Server 2008 R2 on the Intel® Server System SR1600URHSR.



Thank for your update. As you mention the boot mode is set as EFI optimized boot, in this case, it is necessary to format the drive as GPT using a UEFI Windows* Server 2008 R2 bootable drive.



Your current hard drive was formatted to NTFS previously.



If you want to keep using the hard drive as it is, the Boot mode requires being changed to Legacy.



Now, if you want to create a RAID configuration, it is necessary to install a RAID driver while installing the operating system.



This is the latest RAID driver for Windows* Server 2008 R2. SAS Hardware RAID Driver for Windows v. 6.709.12.00





Mike C
0 Kudos

Hello ,


our server definitely boots in EFI mode.


The only boot option set is: [EFI: 3GSilicon Power USB ..........].


All other boot options are disabled.


The Windows CD is a 64-bit EFI version.


I have copied all files from this CD to this one USB stick.


The hard disk is empty and has been prepared with `` Diskpart - clean all ``.


The format of the hard disk is as follows:


`ESF: formatted with FAT 32


`MSR: unformatted


`Primary: formatted with NTFS


The hard disk was prepared by hand.


The server platform you are suggesting is for desktop enclosures.


Do I see that right?


I need a rack system.



Could you please explain exactly why Windows Server 2008R2 can not be installed on this server in EFI mode?


Just so I understand it.



Thanks for your support .



Greetings, Frank.

0 Kudos

Hello, Frank,



It is not possible to install Windows* Server 2008 R2 on the Intel® Server System SR1600URHSR.

I did a research on this issue, and it seems Windows* Server 2008 R2 was not built for GPT format. It is necessary to change the OS bootable drive image.

I am sending you Microsoft* workaround for this compatibility issue. You cannot install Windows* Server 2008 R2 on a computer that uses EFI




Mike C
0 Kudos

Hi Mike ,


Thank you for your answer .


I am already using this hotfix.


This hotfix fixes exactly this error that Microsoft describes.


The `` Blue Screen`` will appear after selecting the partition in which you want to install Windows.


Click on `` Next``, the following screen appears:


`` Files are copied ... `` -> Blue screen


In the lower part of the screen you can see the progress of the installation in the form of a green bar (before the blue screen appears).


I will contact Microsoft, even if it makes no sense!


I followed your advice and bought a S5520HC platform including a SC5600 Base chassis.


The S5520HC platform supports installation of Windows Server 2008R2 in EFI mode , according to the `` Supported OS `` table.


I expect the server components midweek.


I will contact you afterwards.



Regards ,


0 Kudos

Hello, Frank,



Installation issue of Windows* Server 2008 R2 using EFI boot mode.



Thank you for your update. I hope Windows's workaround solves the issue.





Mike C


0 Kudos

Hello Mike ,


I now have a server platform S5520HC.


The same problem occurs as with the S5520UR server platform.


During the setup `` Windows files are copied ... `` a blue screen appears.


I also tried other operating systems (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, Pro 64Bit in UEFI mode).


danach ein blauer Bildschirm mit der Meldung : Windows hat ein Problem festgestellt .">With these two Windows versions, the setup ends exactly at the same point: Windows files are copied -> then a blue screen with the message: Windows has detected a problem. The PC must be restarted.


Both server platforms have one and the same behavior.


I can not install an operating system in UEFI mode!


The blue screen in Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard has the following content:


STOP: 0x0000001E (0xFFFFFFFC0000005,0x000000008E33CD1C, 0x000000000000000000,0x000000008E33CD1C)


What struck me about both server platforms, there are 2 USB keyboards and 2 USB mice (in the BIOS) recognized, although only one keyboard and a mouse is connected.



Best regards ,


0 Kudos

Hi Frank,



It is not possible to install Windows* Server 2008 R2 on the Intel® Server System SR1600URHSR.



I am sorry you were not able to install both operating systems on our Intel® Server Board S5520HC. With regard to UEFI, I can tell you our board supports it; however Windows* 10 is not supported, there are no drivers available and you can experience issues while installing it.



In the case of Windows* Server R2 8, by default, this operating system was not built for UEFI boot. Microsoft* released a workaround; however, it could fail. I suggest you contact Microsoft* and get additional help.



If it is possible to do a test using Windows* Server 2012 or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11*





Mike C
0 Kudos