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Mac experience is horrible



I've just tried a bunch of other similar tools (Application Craft,, Codiqa, Wakanda...) and none of them are quite there yet. Was excited to try Intel's XDK, and I'm on a Mac.

First impressions were very hopeful. The concept is great - allow developers but also designers to quickly put together an app layout and prototype basic UI interactions, with real code that can be deployed and tested. 

But I was sadly disappointed. The Design mode is extremely difficult to use. I cannot even select the elements once in the layout. They have this orange highlight that won't go away, and I get into this state where I have to restart the entire application and start over.

Other issues:

  1. Where's the save command? Or is it always auto-saving? It's really disconcerting not knowing if things are saving or not.
  2. How do I set element dimensions and positioning? These are basic features.
  3. The default settings for controls are horrible. At least make them look clean and provide styles that can easily be changed.

I do hope Intel keeps improving this tool. It's way too buggy for serious usage I'm afraid, and not even for throw away prototyping with those object selection issues. 

If Intel is reading this, try out Codiqa (a JQuery Mobile tool) and their tool. It's quite easy to use, though it has its own usability issues and bugs.  

Anyone else having issues with the Mac version of XDK? Is the Windows version better?


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4 Replies

I have escalated your feedback to the App Designer team.

  1. The App Designer does in fact auto-save your changes and most edits.
  2. UI elements' dimensions and positioning can be set in the right panel under the Styles collapsible pane.
    1. You can also make custom styling using the Custom drop-down menu.

Intel XDK is constantly being updated and refined based on user feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Please look out for our upcoming release that will be available very soon.

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Thanks Elroy, it's good to see an official response (and a timely one) from Intel on these forums. Looking forward to the improvements.  

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I am trying XDK 1816 for the Mac and I am having issues too.  

The biggest issue I am having is the Service Method menu shows up in the code view obstructing my view and making it to where I cannot code anything.  The Service Methods menu doesn't show up at all in the Design View when it is supposed to show up.  

Occasionally all of the menus disappears and I have to restart XDK to get them to show up again, but the Service Methods menu always behaves in the manner I mentioned earlier.

Here is a screen shot:

Screen Shot 2015-03-05 at 11.09.57 PM_0.png

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This is a known issue and should be addressed in the next major release.

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