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[RETIRED] App Designer (UI layout tool)


IMPORTANT: the Intel XDK App Designer component (aka the UI layout tool) has been retired. It was retired with the 3972 release (May, 2017). Existing App Designer projects will continue to work, but you will not be able to create new App Designer projects.

No bug fixes will be implemented for App Designer nor for any of the UI frameworks that were supported by App Designer.

If you have designed your layout by hand or by using an external tool, there are no changes to your project. This change ONLY affects projects that have been created using the App Designer UI layout tool. If you are just starting with the Intel XDK do NOT use App Designer to create your layout, since the editor will not be maintained and may eventually be discontinued.

There are many UI frameworks and tools available for creating UI layouts; too many to enumerate here. The vast majority of layout tools that generate standard HTML5 code (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) should work with no issue. The Intel XDK creates standard Cordova CLI (aka PhoneGap) applications, so any UI frameworks and tools that work in the Cordova CLI environment will work with your Intel XDK applications.

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45 Replies

@thepjday -- requests to open-source App Designer have been made many times over many months. The decision has been made to not go down that road. Sorry, I wish I could tell you something otherwise, but that is the decision, which was made after significant internal debate. We will not be revisiting that decision.

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Sorry, I was responding to the earlier comment from you regarding the decision.

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lamento que a intel tenha acabado com o XDK. A nova versão de nada serve a não ser pegar nos templates. Quem foi o imbecil que está a gerir o projecto deliberou esta solução. No minimo deviam deixar funcionar a versão anterior para quem quiser continuar, sabendo de antemão que não havia actualizações. Estou inconformado com esta solução por isso que estou com imensa vontade de insultar o anormal  ou anormais da intel que nos puxaram o tapete, pois estou convencido que existe vozes dentro da intel contra a esta deliberação.


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I am sorry that intel has finished with XDK. The new version is nothing short of getting the templates. Who was the imbecile who is managing the project decided this solution. At least they should let the previous version work for those who want to continue, knowing in advance that there were no updates. I am unhappy with this solution so I am very keen to insult the abnormal or abnormal intel that has pulled us the carpet, as I am convinced that there are voices within the intel against this deliberation.

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