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What's Best Solution of Data Transferring between Host and Mic?


Hi, All.

My team is currently trying to speed up parallel database processing using Xeon Phi Coprocessor. We are focusing on SCIF. After some experiments, we've decided to take advantage of SCIF RMA Read/Write instead of SCIF Messaging layer - socket like technique. I also know SCIF Mapped Remote Memory, but i don't know whether to choose these two methods - SCIF RMA or SCIF Mapped Remote Memory? Or is there any other technique suitable for data transferring between Host and Mic? Any experiment that can actually help me to decide?

Thanks a lot :)






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1 Reply

We don't recommend making calls directly to the SCIF routines unless you have a very compelling reason, simply because it may be subject to change in future releases. One thing you may want to try is using InfiniBand. Even if you don't have an InfiniBand connector on your host, you can install the OFED software, along with the rpm files from the ofed directory in the mpss release if required. You don't say want version of the MPSS you are using but for MPSS 3.5, table 5 in the MPSS User's Guide will tell you what versions of OFED are compatible. The ccl-direct connection will set up an iwarp connection over the PCIe connection and give you remote memory access.

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