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unstable ax200 bluetooth win10 for Esteban D


To summarize the situation, you closed my last thread with an "answer" telling me to contact the manufacturer  of my card, although we both know that i am facing a software problem, and not a hardware one because my card works for the other equipment. And hope to think that i will consider the question as solved.

We both know that the manufacturer is a chinese company that doesnt develop the firmware of the Intel component that is mounted on the card.

We also know that the chip that is mounted in my tws was not made by the manufacturer of my tws, and as the tws is working by itself, it is likely that this problem is coming from an incompatibility between the ax200 and this chip. As none of them were produced just for me, the problem is likely to arise many times again in your company, until it gets solved.

I know that the question is non blocking and hard to investigate. So, you might have no clue, you might no be interested to escalate the problem, meaning that i cannot hope that with your help i can expect a new firmware to arise sooner or later that will solve my problem.

Knowing both all this, and as i am not an adept of double talk, let me tell you that in my opinion, your latest "answer" is nothing else than intellectual dishonesty, and that you are not doing your job.

What you have been doing is nothing else that hiding the dust under the carpet rather than picking it up, hoping that someone else will one day to the job, and that it won't be you.

Besides that i am right, I am allowed to speak to you, because before being retired, i was a very skilled computer expert, and i worked almost 2 years in the support department of a manufacturer.

I hope for you that when you look at yourself in a mirror, you can still be proud of what you see, but i doubt because to be happy at work goes with acting with the highest level of integrity, and with the satisfaction to have been a resource to the others.

It also goes by not closing a discussion before all parts have agreed that the discussion is really closed.

Sincerely, Marc

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3 Replies

Hello MarcoDu37,

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

I really appreciate your feedback and it will be definitely taken into action.

The fact that you implemented this adapter into your motherboard makes this an integration.

When talking about this topic there are a lot of factors that we need to take into consideration.

As we both know performing wireless integrations is subject to country-specific legal regulations. Before installing or changing the Intel® Wireless Adapter, Intel recommends that you contact the system manufacturer to obtain approval, step-by-step instructions, or support. It is worth mentioning that the integration may or may not work due to the following reasons: 


1. Hardware/software compatibility issues or dependencies. 

2. Manufacturer limitations. 

3. Driver limitations. 


In case you are interested please check the Regulatory Information Regarding Wireless Hardware Installation or Upgrade for more information.

Also, it is important to mention that when working with third-party products the Original Equipment Manufacturer may customize the software in order to ensure compatibility and stability when implementing the device.

The manufacturer has access to all drivers and  if necessary they are able to customize the software to ensure that it will meet their requirements.

As you can see here , the wireless adapter that is supported (which is Intel design) uses an M.2 form factor. Therefore, your motherboard would need an m.2 port and several modifications were made to it.

The wireless adapter that you have uses PCIe port, so a whole conversion was made by the manufacturer.

That being said, due to the fact that this is an integration and that the OEM may have limited some features during the maufacturing process we strongly recommend to contact your OEM about this matter.

We understand that you have several experience in this field, so we are sure that you understand the limitations that may be affecting the performance of your device.

I hope this helps.

Esteban D.

Intel Technical Support Technician

Links to third-party sites and references to third-party trademarks are provided for convenience and illustrative purposes only. Unless explicitly stated, Intel® is not responsible for the contents of such links, and no third-party endorsement of Intel or any of its products is implied. 

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1) I am located in France. As far as i know, there is absolutely no local limitation about importing and using wifi 6 and bluetooth 5 equipment in my country either from USA or China. Besides, I didn't import it myself, but i bought in in the market place of The french branch of AMAZON. 
2) I would not be surprized that the AX200 component branded Intel would have been manufactured in China.
3) My motherboard is a very well known ASUS Prime X370 Pro. I made no modification on this card, although I added, a processor, DDR4 memory, a keyboard, a mouse, a windows license, and all the additional components necessary to make it work.
As you might know, most of the mother boards doesn't hold a wifi or buetooth features, but they provide standard expension slots to allow adding components like the one you sell through an interface card.
Although I am skilled enough to do it, i made no personal modifications in the hardwares or the components that i am using.
This being said, do you really think that i am too stupid to see that you are trying to drag my attention in every possible direction except where the problem is :
Your card is very correctly interfaced, inserted on a mother board with which there is no problem of compatibility, because it's already working on wifi with my hub, and on bluetooth with all the other equipments that i connect to. 
The problem relies in a firmware incompatibility between a particular tws headset, and your ax200 component, and nothing else
You might not want to make further investigations, but please at lead be intellectually honest instead of asking me if the grass grows more green in the field of the neighbor.
Because frankly, i have no time to loose with the message that  you provided.
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Hello MarcoDu37,

Thank you for your response.

Please read the information provided and I hope that the documentation is helpful to answer why this behavior may be occurring.

As the final resolution was provided I will proceed with the closure of this inquiry.

If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer being monitored  


Esteban D.  

Intel Technical Support Technician   

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