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I am getting an error "Please check your internet connection" when I am entering the license key on my Intel Software manager. I have reinstalled the manager as well but still getting the same error. The internet is working on the machine. There is no issue with firewall and antivirus as well. Please suggest?
Kind regards,
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Hi Haroon, click on the refresh button on the bottom right of the dialog box so that it can re-initiate its process of connecting to the server.
If it does not work, move to the Settings tab, select Intel tools in the Check Frequency section. Also, please re-check your Network Settings in the Settings tab of the Intel® Software Manager.
Hi Apran,
Everything is already similar to what you said in your message. Network settings is correct as well. I have tried everything with help of IT people and network engineer. The issue is not on our end.
Kind regards,
Haroon, we have contacted you privately with some details. Please check your inbox for further updates.
Haroon, we suggest you to disable the FIPS in registry by following the instructions provided here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14509354/this-implementation-is-not-part-of-the-windows-platform-fips-validated-cryptogra
Once it is done, restart your system and then restart Intel® Software Manager.
Haroon, thank you for the update.
We would like to share a workaround on this issue. Install an Intel® Software Manager package from Intel® Parallel Studio XE. And does not require any license by itself.
You can manually unzip and install only "\installs\composer_xe\999\ism\" (there might be other number, instead of "999") from the installer package of the new Intel® Parallel Studio XE.
I have manually inserted the .lic file as well by following the above process. But still no luck with the issue.
I have installed using this file exe file.
This is running perfectly on our other build machine. The issue is only with this machine. We have tried everything on our end.
Haroon, we have again contacted you privately with some updates. Please check your inbox for further details.
Hi ArpanB,
This was the last message I received on the private "
Hi Haroon, we have shared a workaround with you on the public thread. Please let us know if it works for you."
I have already done the parallel studio steps. Did you send any other message?
Kind regards,
Haroon, if you are planning to activate the license and use it to install an Intel® Parallel Studio XE software, use the license serial number or license file method to activate the product.
For guidance during the installation process, visit: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/develop/external/us/en/documents/parallel-studio-xe-install-guide-windows-739795.pdf
Hi ApranB,
I have manually installed the license file but still appearing as empty on the intel license manager and my build is failing as well.
Kind regards,
Haroon, did you manually replace the older license with the new one in the license directory or uninstall the older installation and perform a fresh install using the new license?
If you replaced the license, did you replace it in the server as well as in the client end? Please note that you need to make the necessary changed on both the ends. Also, please confirm the version of Intel® Software License Manager you are using in the server end?
We would like to know.
This is the first time we are using this license of this build machine. And what do you mean by client end? Because we are working on the build machine and intel software manager is installed on that build machine
We are using build definitions on tfs server and this intel manager is on one of the build machine.
How can we use license Parallel Studio now? Because intel software manager is no longer supported.
Haroon, if you have a Floating license, the server end is where the Intel® Software License Manager is installed. Please note Intel® Software License Manager and Intel® Software Manager are two different software applications that serve different purposes. The client end is the end you are planning to install the Intel® Parallel Studio XE suite. If you have a Named User license, you do not require a license manager and you can directly install the software using the license.
We have contacted you internally for some information. Please check your inbox for further updates. We will support you throughout the installation process.
Haroon, from you license, we can see it is a Named User license.
All you need is the software installer and the license file to install it and start working. Do you have the software installer and the license file downloaded with you? If not, could you share us only the full name of the product with version that you are looking to install? We will share the direct download link of the software with you.
ArpanB, we are looking to install "parallel_studio_xe_2019_update1_composer_edition_for_fortran_online_setup" and I have already installed the product. But I am getting a build error on team foundation server.
Kind regards,
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