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Triple speed ethernet problem

Honored Contributor II

Hi Guys 

I have problem with the triple speed ethernet:(. I can't transmit any thing and output equal zero all the time:eek:. this is a snap shot of the signal tab ;) 


Thanks in advance for everyone want help me
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15 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Sorry i can't put the snap shot of the signal tab because my posts less than 5 :(.

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Honored Contributor II

Guys i really need you to help me. I spent more than 2 weeks in this project.

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Honored Contributor II

I made all the connection for the TSE very well and i have DE2-115 board.

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Honored Contributor II

I don't want to use the done project from some one else and i really want to fix my error

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Honored Contributor II

I assume that you don't have a license for the TSE-IP. 

In that case the TSE only keeps on working as long as you don't close that small message box that opens after downloading the logic onto your FPGA (using the JTAG port). If you close it, the TSE will not transmit any longer, but will keep on receiving, putting you on the wrong foot ...
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Honored Contributor II


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I assume that you don't have a license for the TSE-IP. 

In that case the TSE only keeps on working as long as you don't close that small message box that opens after downloading the logic onto your FPGA (using the JTAG port). If you close it, the TSE will not transmit any longer, but will keep on receiving, putting you on the wrong foot ... 

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Thank you very much it is really very helpful reply. I really haven't a license, but i keep the JTAG connected all the time and also i didn't close the small window. Do you think it is not working also if i don't close the small window and keep the JTAG connected? 


:DReally thanks from my heart:D
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Honored Contributor II

What software are you using to communicate with the TSE? Does it say anything? 

Could you check the ready signal from the TSE on the Avalon Stream input? 

Can you communicate with the PHY on the MDIO interface?
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Honored Contributor II


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What software are you using to communicate with the TSE? Does it say anything? 

Could you check the ready signal from the TSE on the Avalon Stream input? 

Can you communicate with the PHY on the MDIO interface? 

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Thanks Daixiwen for your reply. 

I am using NIOS II and i can write on any register i want, so i wrote on the command register 

to enable the TX and RX and after that the TX and RX leds are blinks and also the led in router  

is blink. The problem i can't capture any packet and the output from TSE always low.  

The ready signal always high, so that means it is fine.
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Honored Contributor II

This is a snap shot for the mdio and tx_ready signals. I noticed the mdio signal always high:confused: 



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Honored Contributor II

I would suggest to use one of the software examples first (such as the simple sockets server). They use the Interniche TCP/IP stack and some ready made drivers. This will at least let you know if there is a problem on the hardware side and/or the interface between the TSE and the PHY. Once you got that working, you can start implementing your own solution if you want. 

IIRC there are a few steps necessary before you can read/write data on the TSE, such as setting up the MAC address and configuring the link speed. 

I also see that you are sending the preamble. You shouldn't do that, it is automatically added by the TSE.
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Honored Contributor II


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I would suggest to use one of the software examples first (such as the simple sockets server). They use the Interniche TCP/IP stack and some ready made drivers. This will at least let you know if there is a problem on the hardware side and/or the interface between the TSE and the PHY. Once you got that working, you can start implementing your own solution if you want. 

IIRC there are a few steps necessary before you can read/write data on the TSE, such as setting up the MAC address and configuring the link speed. 

I also see that you are sending the preamble. You shouldn't do that, it is automatically added by the TSE. 

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Good suggestion i will try to apply it. The weird thing is the output from TSE all the time is low and the TX led is blink when i transmit anything, so the TSE and phy are working because they know when i transmit any data.:confused::confused:
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Honored Contributor II

Are you sure you are synchronizing SignalTap correctly? If the TX led blinks it means that the PHY is getting something from the TSE. Maybe you are missing it. 

If you put the preamble on the Avalon Stream as I saw on the first screenshot, if the link between the TSE and the PHY is set up correctly then the PHY will send two preambles: one added by the TSE and yours. This won't be seen as a valid Ethernet packet by any other node on the bus, so this could explain why you don't see anything.
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Honored Contributor II


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Are you sure you are synchronizing SignalTap correctly? If the TX led blinks it means that the PHY is getting something from the TSE. Maybe you are missing it. 

If you put the preamble on the Avalon Stream as I saw on the first screenshot, if the link between the TSE and the PHY is set up correctly then the PHY will send two preambles: one added by the TSE and yours. This won't be seen as a valid Ethernet packet by any other node on the bus, so this could explain why you don't see anything. 

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It is really strange and i really tired from this problem :( 

The TX leds still blinks when i transmit anything, but the rgmii_out and tx_enable still low all the time. Also, the MDIO still high all the time.I have changed the preamble and i put another data and still same problem. and i can read and write and data to any register. 

who i can solve this problem. i am not new in the VHDL, so i can make anything you want.  

what you think i can do ? Also if you want any snap shot for anything or picture for tx led then 

tell me and i will put it.  


I will put the warning list maybe it will be useful
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Honored Contributor II

what kind of interface is there between the TSE and the PHY chip? I don't know this kit. Are you sure you are actually looking at the signals sent to the PHY?

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