Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21308 Discussions

Windows* 7/8/8.1 Driver (32 & 64 bit) Version 3345


Greetings everyone!

We have officially launched our latest driver supporting 3rd and 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD/Iris™ Graphics for Microsoft* Windows 7, 8, & 8.1. The version is 3345 and is available at the following locations.

32-bit: Download Center - Release notes here.

64-bit: Download Center - Release notes here.

Also; Windows* 8/8.1 Graphics FAQ.

Please provide only constructive feedback here. Harassing comments, needless insults and personal attacks are not permitted, and will be promptly deleted.

If there are issues that carried over from previous drivers that you are still experiencing, feel free to announce them again here. However, we are all mostly aware of some of these, so I will list them here;

NEW: The driver reports that you have support for DX11.2. This is incorrect, you have support for DX11.1.


  • Users with 3rd party cards installed alongside Intel graphics are experiencing various degrees of Code 31 and Code 43 issues. These are being actively investigated, and we are working with 3rd party vendors to resolve them. The latest we are aware of is that AMD* drivers are force-unloading our drivers, resulting in various issues such as loss of multiple-displays, brightness controls, etc.
  • Users with only Intel graphics are experiencing various degrees of Code 31 and Code 43 issues. These are being actively investigated, and we are working with Microsoft* to resolve them.
  • Users are having Display Audio failures either over an AV/R, or via a straight through connection to their audio enabled display. For starters, you need to uninstall the 3316 or later driver from your system, and install the one we provide via the Intel Download Center links posted above. When you receive a graphics driver automatically via Windows* Update, it does not include the Display Audio driver that is supposed to be packaged with it. This can result in unstable audio errors.

if I have missed any, it is not because we are not aware of them! However, please feel free to remind me of them regardless.


If you are having trouble with installing the driver, it can be for various reasons. Most commonly, it is because your system currently has a driver that was installed by your OEM, and those drivers present various error messages to the effect of "this driver is not suitable for your computer because your OEM said so!". If that is the case, you should follow the Manual Driver Installation instructions to install your driver (this is prefaced by downloading the .ZIP version of the driver from the links above).


I ask that you preface the feedback with a bolded heading so that it will be easier to identify, example: Control Panel: It would be cool if X was added. BUG: This application is now crashing and it didn't with the last driver!


I also ask that you keep focused on this specific driver. Any off-topic/off-driver/off-product comments will be promptly deleted! If you have any issues with installing the driver, or ...

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281 Replies

Hi everyone,

First - some possibly good news. I've recently retested multiple configurations using both AMD* cards and NVidia* cards with the latest drivers released by these OEM's. With the NVidia* card or the AMD* card I was unable to see either a Code 31 or a Code 43 using the same configuration I had experienced them with before. However, there was one configuration on AMD* that although did not display Code 31 or Code 43, did not behave properly. I will address that a few paragraphs down.

I would like to recommend that anyone still seeing Code 43 or Code 31 while using either of these two OEM's cards - update to the latest drivers they provide. Please inform me if this solves your issue or not. These are links for those driver downloads;

Nvidia* version 331.93 (dated 27NOV13 - 64-bit): Drivers | GeForce

AMD* version 13.11 (dated 03DEC13 - 64-bit): AMD

Please make sure that you have the latest driver (above) installed, in addition to our latest Intel® graphics driver (3345). Links for our driver are in the original post of this thread of course.

The AMD* configuration I was still experiencing with had one difference from the others. In the BIOS of the tested system, there is a Graphics setting for "Internal Graphics" that had the option to either be set as; Enable, Disable, or Auto. This setting needed to be set to 'Enable' to function properly. Having it set to 'Auto' resulted in the inability to see displays connected to the AMD card.

Again, please update your drivers and let me know if you are still having issues, or if they have been resolved.


Now, for everyone else so far!

@Gil.Goldshlager: I will test out this game on Windows* 8 and compare the two issues.

@brian botkiller: I will ask again on our end if/when they will have an updated driver for Taichi21* users.

@Bokefas: They just released a new driver version yesterday (13.11 again, but a finalized version). Can you install that and see if the issue remains?

@Tarlach: To confirm, you are saying that the system crashes when there are a lot of resources in use? Are you getting a BSOD? If so, what does the BSOD say? If it isn't a BSOD, is it just the application crashing, or the system is just randomly rebooting?

@entilza: Glad to hear it's working for you! We haven't officially fixed that issue on our end though, so you're lucky I suppose. Did you happen to update your system BIOS?

@Billybumper: According to this dxdiag, you do not have a driver installed for your graphics device. It is listing a Microsoft Basic Display Adapter, which is what it shows when it is not recognizing a driver. Can you verify that 3345 in installed in the Device Manager? If it is, try doing a full uninstall of the driver (right click -> uninstall -> delete associated driver files ((checkbox))) -> reboot). Repeat this process until it officially says "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter" in Device Manager, and then re-install 3345. Let me know if this resolves the issue or not. Additionally, since you are using a USB 3.0 dock, you will have to configure your external display connection via the menu provided by the OS (right click desktop -> screen resolution) instead of via the Intel® Graphics Control Panel. This is because we do not officially support USB 3.0 docks, and our driver does not recognize devices connected to them.

@duyvisalsereenfuifis: Please do a full uninstall of the Intel® Graphics Driver, and then re-install it (steps listed in the above reply to Billybumper). Additionally, install the latest driver provided by NVidia* that I posted at the top of this reply. Let me know if you are still having the issues afterwards, and provide an updated copy of your dxdiag.

@Ormalash: I have never heard of that error message before! Try booting your computer into safe mode and installing the driver manually from there. Let me know if this works or not.

Thanks everyone!


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Thanks @nic

Although for me personally I think I'm done with the headache that is the Taichi and Asus. I've been looking at replacements and will negotiate with Asus to take it back or sell it.

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I heard that. I really don't want to let go of this laptop but at this point I think I should have gone with a dell convertible or something, which is really sad, because I bloody hate dell.

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New Contributor I

nic wrote:

@entilza: Glad to hear it's working for you! We haven't officially fixed that issue on our end though, so you're lucky I suppose. Did you happen to update your system BIOS?

I updated the BIOS on the ASUS H87-PLUS motherboard to 0703 before windows 8.1 was installed. I had a new HDMI monitor with built in speakers and noticed the sound was not working. I downloaded 3345 from the download center and used the executable method and the HDMI audio worked immediately. I saw the exclamation mark disappear from the Intel Audio driver in device manager while the driver was installing. Thanks.

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Hi Nic, no luck so far.

Please do a full uninstall of the Intel® Graphics Driver, and then re-install it (steps listed in the above reply to Billybumper).


Did this many times. DxDiag keeps telling me Windows has loaded the basic adapter driver from Microsoft.

Also still getting code 43 after every install (with 3316 and 3345 versions).



Additionally, install the latest driver provided by NVidia* that I posted at the top of this reply.


I did this too (but then the notebook version (x64) of that driver) but no luck there too.

I'm considering a fresh new Win 8.1 install, but that takes some time too... 


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@Tarlach: To confirm, you are saying that the system crashes when there are a lot of resources in use? Are you getting a BSOD? If so, what does the BSOD say? If it isn't a BSOD, is it just the application crashing, or the system is just randomly rebooting?

What happens is he plays for a while and will sometimes get low resources warnings from windows (a little popup from the sys tray) despite only having the game and steam running (not even a browser). If he keeps playing or if he starts the game again to keep playing (sometimes he gets a crash to desktop) he'll get a BSOD referencing igdkmd64.sys. Previous to Windows 8.1 he never had a problem in (too many) hours of gameplay and nothing changed other than moving to Windows 8.1. He's gotten this playing Terraria and Team Fortress 2 (that's mostly all he plays). I had the same thing occur on my PC when my nVidia 660 Ti was removed for repair though with my 600 Ti back my primary problem is a black screen when setting the primary video card in the bios to PCIe (see the black screen thread).

Like I said in the other thread, I don't really want to send my PCs, but I'm happy to upload a minidump or any other kind of debugging step I'm able to do.

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Hi Nic,

It's my next reply. I use you last recomendation without success. Details below:

Notebook ASUS N76VB with Intel HD 4000 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M, VRAM 2 Mb.

I check following configurations on my notebook:

- Intel drivers (for Win8), (from Windows 8.1 install), 10.18.3316,;

- NVIDIA drivers (for Win8), (from Windows 8.1 install), (from NVIDIA 331.65), (from NVIDIA 331.82), (from NVIDIA 331.93),

All tests are completed in following manner:

1) All Inter and NVIDIA drivers are removed from notebook.

2) notebook restarted

3) Install one combination of Intel + NVIDIA drivers from mentioned above.

All tests may be combined in 2 groups:

1) If installed win8 intel driver (i.e. and any NVIDIA:

- Divice manager shows that both graphic cards are working normally

- both Intel and NVIDIA panels are accessable

- notebook display is govern by Intel and its resolusion may be tuned.

- any external monitor (I use Samsung C27B750 for tests( is govern only by Intel card and it is impossible to switch to NVIDIA.

- dxDiag shows that both monitors use Intel with VRAM 2 Mb

2) If installed any Win8.1 Intel driver (from listed above) and any NVIDIA driver:

- Divice manager shows that Intel card is stopped with code 43, NVIDIA is working normally

- Intel panel escape from menu

- NVIDIA panel exist in menu, but not accessable

- external monitor (Samsung C27B750) is normally govern by NVIDIA.

- dxDiag shows that notebook monitor is govern by Microsoft basic display driver with VRAM 256 and exteranl monitor by NVIDIA with VRAM 2 Mb

I may make additional note: If I remove all drivers, then install only Intel driver (any Win8.1 version) then Divice manager shows code 43 even without installation of NVIDIA driver!!!

From my tests I make a conclusion that the onlt reason of the bug is Intel driver for Win 8.1.

Please, let me know what other tests you need in order to improve the discribed situation.

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Hello Nic.

Sorry for the late reply.

In attachment please find dxdiag and graphic driver report with two jpegs of the screen as it looks after installing the driver. As mentioned, there is no way to my knowledge to change the scaling since the setting is locked in the Panasonic setting only. Hope you can help with this since I cannot use my system as a HTPC yet without having this resolved.

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i tried to instal it with the safe mode but it's the same answer 😕

one thing to know there wasn't any driver by default when i deleted every driver of the intel hd there weren't any driver left i even go message saying "there is no driver instal". so i had to select the basic microsoft driver

PS : srry for my english :s

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Hi nic,

I have a similar issue as everyone else. Bought a brand new computer last week with windows 8 and was running dual monitors with no issue. Then upgraded to 8.1 and my Intel HD 4600 shows error 43 and neither external monitor is recognized. I've tried the instructions you've provided to others (uninstalled 4600 along with drivers and reinstalled newest driver 3345) but no luck.

Attached is dxdiag and screenshot of error in device manager.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Somehow lost in the thread whether you ever solved the problem?

Also have HP ENVY TS 17 with the HD 4600 Graphics which ran multiple screens until upgrading to Windows 8.1

After hours with HP Support and then Microsoft Support they concluded that the solution was to roll back to Windows 8.0 which would be for me a major issue as computer set up well with lots of things which would be lost.

Hoping that you found a W 8.1 solution.

Thanks for your response.


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I just bought this processor ( Intel Core i5 4440 Boxed) and when i try to download these drivers it says i do not meet the minimum requirements of this installation. Someone knows what i must do? I run windows 8 the product key is rejected because of the new motherboard and ssd (dont know if this makes a difference..)

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well i've tried to install the driver you told me to but ... how to say that ... it need an intel driver to be instal

there is a misunderstanding about the basic microsoft display i have to instal it again he's not by default or i didn't get it right ?.?

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@Coran0range: That error message usually means you downloaded the wrong driver. To be specific, verify what version of your operating system has been installed (64-bit or 32-bit) and download the 64-bit or 32-bit driver that corresponds with it. Let me know if it is still not working afterwards.

@rikirk: The resolution and scaling is 'locked'? As in, you are unable to change it and/or the option is greyed out? Are you using the driver I provided a link to in the original post, or one via Windows* Update OR your system OEM? If it is either of the latter, uninstall it and install it via our installer. We don't lock down features with the generic driver so I'm not sure why you would be locked out...

@Ormalash: Can you verify for me whether or not you have a 3rd party graphics solution installed within your system alongside our processor? As I mentioned earlier, the support website for your product shows that it should have an NVidia* card installed inside of it. "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter" can show up for any of the Display adapters in your system, as it is a default name for a display adapter that has no driver installed. If you are unsure what graphics products are installed in your system, contact your OEM and see if they are aware.



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Hello Nic. Thx for the prompt reply.

Yes I am not able to change neither. There are no other options available to be selected. No scaling is possible via hotkey (cntrl alt F11) or display resolution in display settings (both Intel Graphic Control Panel and Win8.1 Display Settings). Hope it is clear enough or I can easily send screenshots.

The driver installed is the one in this thread (should show in the report I sent you earlier). I had same exact experience with the original Intel driver available from the mobo website (rel. 10/13) anyway.

I am waiting for a ribbon to install an old low profile video PCI card as a workaround but I doubt the 150W PSU will handle it.

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@rtrdoid: Hmm, strange. The product specifications for your laptop say that it uses only the Intel® Graphics, but the driver download section for Windows* 8.1 on the same product only has a single driver, and its for an NVidia* card. Can you verify whether or not there is a 3rd party solution installed in that laptop?

@rikirk: Is it possible that there are settings on the TV itself which have enforced their own black bars? Theater mode or any such option? I ask because normally when you have a customized scaling option enabled, it fits it to screen - areas like the Taskbar and such wouldn't get cut out, and would instead be moved up. Go ahead and attach some screenshots of your interface if you would. Also, according to the I-GDR you sent, the "Maximum Image Size Horizontal/Vertical" are Not available. That information is usually pulled by the EDID alongside the max supported resolution and refresh rates. I know you said that the HDMI cable worked for your other system on the same TV - do you have another cable to test with though? Or another display?



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Hi Nic,

Last tests...

-Update bios for Hp Probook 4540s

-Update drivers for Amd Radeon 7650M (amd radeon hd 7500M/7600M series)

version 13.11 9.5 beta(3/12/13). No errors during installation and appears installed correctly.

Catalyst control center don't run but a new amd software (amd gaming evolved) run correctly.

After reboot black screen, and intel hd graphics 4000 error code 43. Only one error... There aren't drivers or

drivers are wrong... But on display adapters amd radeon work correctly.

-Uninstall intel graphic card drivers and make Manual driver Installation method

Black screen during installation.. wait a few minutes and push power button to reboot...

After reboot... screen ho says more or less "New graphic drivers installed correctly" and push Finish button.

So... always black screen when system enable intel hd 4000.

This is my dxdiag after these tests.

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Trust me I tried everything before bumping in this thread:

1. Unfortunately this version of Panasonic Viega does not have any scaling option available (I already checked in the manual/remote/tv settings).

2. I tested the HDMI cable and switched it with a different one as well with the same sad result. As said, if I use another PC Win8.1, the dedicated video card recognize the Panasonic and scales the picture in the screen perfectly.

The fact that now, in the new built PC, the Intel driver recognizes the TV model but does not let you change the scaling let me wonder if the issue belongs just to the Intel driver.

I am in the process to add a dedicate card in this system as a workaround but I doubt the 150 PSU will handle it.

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Well im back with the same problem.

When I try to install the hd graphics drivers it says

You do not meet minimum system requirements.

Windows 8.1 OS 64bit

Motherboard B85M-E from Asus.

Intel Core i5 4440 Boxed

Club3D Radeion HD 7850 RoyalKing

I dont know how to solve this.

Yes i did download the 64 bit version just to be sure i also downloaded the 32 bit version and tried that. I tried older versions same notification. I now have a 4600 hd graphics gpu thats amazingly lazy and wont do anything.

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@vpz: In Safe Mode, our driver is not loaded. It shows the driver in your device manager of course, but it is running off the in-box driver (in this case the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter driver). What version is the BIOS in your system? Additionally, can you check your BIOS settings and see if there are options for setting the Primary Display Adapter?

@Adiiiii88: To confirm, if you set the Primary Adapter to PCI, you are saying that there are no issues with either card and everything is working just fine - is that correct? Is there an issue with keeping it in this configuration if that is the case?

@Billybumper: The issue isn't so much the drivers as it is the systems overall support. A lot of OEM's will release updated firmware (in the form of a BIOS update) when they take on support for new processors, graphics cards and operating systems. The fact that your OEM has not done so yet, in addition to not providing drivers - is a good determiner of whether your system is ready to be upgraded to the latest OS or not. Let me know if you have any other questions.

@Bokefas: You mentioned before that you only have the option to turn on/off Switchable Graphics. What setting is it currently on? Have you tried running the system on the other setting?

@rikirk: Can you set your refresh rate on the Panasonic* monitor to 60 Hz? Also, is the green/yellow bars running across the screen a symptom that you are referring to when you say the screen is distorted, or is that just an attribute added by the camera you're taking the pictures with?

@Hburrows83: Can you give me detailed reproduction steps on how to see this error?

@d97ulf: Can you confirm the following for me? Running in the Netflix* metro app causes this issue, what about accessing Netflix via the browser? Can you give me the name of a video you are trying to watch that I can check this issue with as well?

@ChodeNode: You're going to need to figure out how to get that latest NVidia* driver installed in the system. I would contact them if you are having trouble with their installer. As I stated previously, I had substantially improved results by having both our latest, as well as the latest 3rd party driver (specifically the 331.93 driver).

@RobbieT: Please refer to my above reply to d97ulf. I will be trying to reproduce this issue on my end as well. Thanks!

@Coran0range: Sorry if I already suggested this to you, but have you updated to the latest BIOS released for your motherboard? A link for it is here, it was released on the 4th this month. support Motherboards - B85M-E

Also, have you tried installing the driver via the manual driver installation method? Information about that here; Desktop graphics drivers — How to manually install a driver in Microsoft Windows 8* or Windows 8.1*

@Tarlach: So specifically on your Asus* P8Z77-V LK system, I would recommend currently upgrading your BIOS to the latest version. There has been 4 seemingly important BIOS updates released since the version your dxdiag states. Of those, PCIe functionality, system stability, memory compatibility are listed. A link for that is here, version 1301. support Motherboards - P8Z77-V LK

For the Asus* P8B75-M LX Plus system, it appears that the BIOS is up to date already. Could you try doing a full uninstall of all graphics drivers on the system using the below steps? Let me know if it helps.

  1. Go to Device Manager -> Display Adapters
  2. Right click the Intel display adapter and select 'Uninstall'
  3. Select the Checkbox for "deleting associated driver files"
  4. Reboot the computer
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until the display adapter shows as "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter"
  6. Install the 3345 driver, reboot.

@Bob_701: Can you attach copies of both your Intel® Graphics Driver Report (Ctrl+Alt+F12 -> Options -> Information Center -> Save) and your dxdiag (start -> run -> dxdiag -> Save All Information)?

Thanks everyone,


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