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Windows* 7/8/8.1 Driver (32 & 64 bit) Version 3345


Greetings everyone!

We have officially launched our latest driver supporting 3rd and 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD/Iris™ Graphics for Microsoft* Windows 7, 8, & 8.1. The version is 3345 and is available at the following locations.

32-bit: Download Center - Release notes here.

64-bit: Download Center - Release notes here.

Also; Windows* 8/8.1 Graphics FAQ.

Please provide only constructive feedback here. Harassing comments, needless insults and personal attacks are not permitted, and will be promptly deleted.

If there are issues that carried over from previous drivers that you are still experiencing, feel free to announce them again here. However, we are all mostly aware of some of these, so I will list them here;

NEW: The driver reports that you have support for DX11.2. This is incorrect, you have support for DX11.1.


  • Users with 3rd party cards installed alongside Intel graphics are experiencing various degrees of Code 31 and Code 43 issues. These are being actively investigated, and we are working with 3rd party vendors to resolve them. The latest we are aware of is that AMD* drivers are force-unloading our drivers, resulting in various issues such as loss of multiple-displays, brightness controls, etc.
  • Users with only Intel graphics are experiencing various degrees of Code 31 and Code 43 issues. These are being actively investigated, and we are working with Microsoft* to resolve them.
  • Users are having Display Audio failures either over an AV/R, or via a straight through connection to their audio enabled display. For starters, you need to uninstall the 3316 or later driver from your system, and install the one we provide via the Intel Download Center links posted above. When you receive a graphics driver automatically via Windows* Update, it does not include the Display Audio driver that is supposed to be packaged with it. This can result in unstable audio errors.

if I have missed any, it is not because we are not aware of them! However, please feel free to remind me of them regardless.


If you are having trouble with installing the driver, it can be for various reasons. Most commonly, it is because your system currently has a driver that was installed by your OEM, and those drivers present various error messages to the effect of "this driver is not suitable for your computer because your OEM said so!". If that is the case, you should follow the Manual Driver Installation instructions to install your driver (this is prefaced by downloading the .ZIP version of the driver from the links above).


I ask that you preface the feedback with a bolded heading so that it will be easier to identify, example: Control Panel: It would be cool if X was added. BUG: This application is now crashing and it didn't with the last driver!


I also ask that you keep focused on this specific driver. Any off-topic/off-driver/off-product comments will be promptly deleted! If you have any issues with installing the driver, or ...

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281 Replies

I have having trouble with these drivers as well. I upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 and the display stopped working. I have a Intel Graphics HD 4000.

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Hi Nic,

3rd party card.. means amd driver?

The amd driver has been updated from this link: AMD Catalyst™ 13.11 Beta Driver for Windows®


Clicking on

These are the drivers installed (jpeg attached files)

I haven't never seen errors during installation.

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Hi Nic,

this is he driver version installed for hd4000 card

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Hi Nic, I ended up going back to the Samsung live support page (where I first started) and I now have to do complete system restore. partial transcript as follows.

  • josh langley So in other words


    Windows 8.1 is not compatible with this unit and the only way to fix it is with


    a full system restore.
  • JhemIt is the compatible. However since this is a new update, we are still completing all


    software and drivers downloadable for this operating system.

joshlangley Is it a matter of just waiting till new updates are available or that could be a while?

Jhem : The exact completion date of the updates are yet to be determined

0 Kudos

Hi Nic, I just finished a chat session with Samsung Support (where I originally started) and they said the only solution was to do a complete system restore. Very sad news... partial transcript below.

  • So in other words


    Windows 8.1 is not compatible with this unit and the only way to fix it is with


    a full system restore.
  • JhemIt is the


    compatible. However since this is a new update, we are still completing all


    software and drivers downloadable for this operating system.
  • josh langley Is it a matter of


    just waiting till new updates are available or that could be a while?
  • JhemThe exact


    completion date of the updates are yet to be determined.
0 Kudos


I am running on an Intel NUC D54250WYK (Intel HD 5000) with latest 64 bit drivers and Windows 8.1 upgraded from Windows 8.0.

Just like reported by RobbieT in /message/211258# 211258 post 310 for the 3316 driver, I experience problems with the Netflix Metro app when trying to select Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 audio. The Netflix app does not crash, but there is no sound and the movie shows in slow motion (1 or 2 fps). When I switch back to normal stereo everything works. I did not have this problem before upgrading to Windows 8.1.

I have tried to uninstall and delete all old display device and audio drivers and reinstalling 3345 without any improvement.

All other applications (e.g. XBMC) work as expected when using 5.1 audio.


I have been away for work so I have not tested the new driver yet.

With the 3316 driver I did revert back to a clean Windows 8 install instead of 8.1.

But that did not solve the problem of Netflix refusing to work with 5.1 audio.

Is suspect the issue started due to changes on the side of Netflix, but I am not 100% sure of that.

Anyway, since support at Netflix does not seem to be able to solve the issue and it does like a driver issue I hope Intel can solve this.


I am experiencing exactly the same issue, Dolby Digital Plus does not work for me either with the 3345 drivers. Netflix video in the metro app is displayed in slow motion at about 2 fps and there is no DD+ stream received by my Denon receiver (AVR X2000). Playing one of the test videos available at with Media Player Classic / LAV Filters works fine, the AVR receives and decodes the Dolby Digital Plus bitstream successfully.

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Hi Nic,

This is my first post. I own an Asus N550JV with Windows 8.1. I'm currently experiencing an error code 43 for the NVidia 750M combo'ed with Intel Integrated Graphics 4600. I can disable/enable the NVidia GPU and Windows reports it's working, however, the NVidia control panel gives the message "You are not currently using a display attached to an NVidia GPU." I've read over this post and tried many things and still have the problem. Thus far I have tried:

1) Wiped the machine and started fresh.

2) Installed both Asus certified graphics drivers for 8.1 (Intel and NVidia).

3) Installed the recent 3345 Intel driver - normal install didn't work and had to browse for the new driver

4) Installed various other NVidia drivers - currently on 331.82.

5) Attempted to install NVidia 331.93 beta drivers as you recommended, but the installer for that says I don't have NVidia hardware.

6) Checked for any video-related BIOS settings. Only one there is increasing amount of available RAM to it, which I set to the maximum (512 MB).

Is there anything you can recommend I try?



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Nic - As a follow-up to my problem: I determined the problem with my GPU reporting error code 43 to be caused by the 207 BIOS revision for the Asus N550JV. Downgrading my BIOS version resolved the issue. I should point out that Asus refused to help me with that process and insisted I send it into them for repair. I found instructions on how to do the downgrade in their forums by another poster. I notified Asus support of the problem that BIOS revision caused and my success, but I doubt there will be any follow up on it.

Probably a good idea to file this away for Asus owners. I saw at least one other user on this forum who had the exact same problem with the same model laptop I have.

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I have the same problem as RobbieT and d97ulf. Netflix Windows App 8 cannot be set to Dolby Digital Plus, the frame rate drops to a 1 or 2 frames per second. If I switch the Netflix audio setting to stereo then its OK.


Asrock H87 Performance

Windows 8.1 64bit

Netflix via browser does not support 5.1 audio (stereo only), but the metro app does.

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I reported some time ago that on my motherboard (Intel DZ77GA-70K with the processor Intel 3770K and Amd HD6450) ) the Amd stable Catalyst driver 13.9 works OK with the Intel driver 3345. Since then, the Windows maintenance report has several times reported a LiveKernelEvent with Code 117, supposedly connected with a hardware error. These events are usually connected with the video hardware, though it is not clear from the reports which of the two adapters (Amd's or Intel's) is involved. However, these events did not cause any other visible effects on the functioning of the computer, so it seems possible that they are connected with driver conflicts and not with. the hardware malfunctioning.

When I removed the AMD Catalyst 13.9 driver, I found that with the automatic Amd 13.9 driver, the driver 3345 malfunctioned, when the Intel adapter was set as primary. Installing the latest beta 13.11 Catalyst driver (9.5) with the Amd adapter acting as primary did not work either as the Intel driver 3345 malfunctioned again. Returning to the stable 13.9 Catalyst driver and setting the Intel adapter as primary corrected the situation if one does not take account of the possible future reappearance of the above LiveKernelEvents.

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Upon closer inspection of the LiveKernelEvents in the EventViewer I found out that they are all connected with the Intel driver which reports the error 4101. So in the presence of the Amd stable Catalyst driver 13.9, the Intel driver 3345 is not completely stable, when the Intel graphics is set as primary.

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BUG(?): My HD 4000 machine (running Windows 8.1) only reports 101mb of video memory which causes issues with various pieces of software (most notably Trackmania 2 outright refuses to run, but Steam Big Picture mode defaults in low-resolution). I'm not sure when this changed, but I'm under the impression that it used to be different.

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For those of you having issues with the Netflix Metro app, I need a bit more detail on the issue.

I currently have a system running the Netflix Metro app right now, connected directly to a TV via HDMI. I'm using 3345 - however, I'm not seeing an option for sound settings aside from typical 'mute/volume'. I'm also not seeing an application settings menu in the Windows* charms bar, within the app or otherwise. Also, there was once a hidden menu you could access from the video stream itself to adjust sound and buffering settings, but that seems to have been removed.

Please provide completely detailed reproduction steps on how to see this issue. What other apps are involved, what hardware needs to be connected, etc.



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Hi Nic,

My setting is the following :

PC -> AV amplifier -> TV

The HD audio device is set to 5.1

All connexions via HDMI

In the Netflix App you have a "Languages" button which allows to switch between English (Stereo) / English (Dolby digital plus 5.1) you can also enable subtitles via this button.

The movie you watch need to be available in "HD". Below is an image of the settings (on "The Hunger games" movie). As soon as I select DD+ then the movie stop to 1 or 2 frames/sec.

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Thanks for the info Alx10! I think I saw the "languages" button, and decided that there is no way they would put sound settings in there.... I guess I am wrong.

So I just tested out a configuration with HD 5200 -> Receiver -> TV all via HDMI, and I am not having any issues with either the Stereo or the DD+ settings. DD+ is definitely working, and I'm seeing no latency in the picture afterwards.

Are you running a Windows* 8 or a Windows* 8.1 configuration? I tested with Windows* 8.1, but you folks might be still on Windows* 8 for all I know...

Also, if anyone with the Netflix* issue would please post a copy of their dxdiag (start -> run -> dxdiag -> Save All Information) - I would like to take a look and make sure that you have the latest audio driver properly installed.



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I am running Windows 8.1 with I5-4440 HD4600

Please find the diag attached

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I have the Netflix Dolby Digital Plus issue as well. Windows 8.1 64 bit, Intel HD4000. Dolby Digital Plus is not working in the Netflix metro app, the video stream plays only at 1-2 fps when i switch from Stereo to Dolby Digital Plus. However, playing Dolby's test videos available at

via Media Player Classic works fine. I use a Denon AVR-X2000 receiver.

Interestingly the drivers delivered by Microsoft (installed via driver rollback, Date 8/22/2013, Version 6.3.9600.16384) work fine with Dolby Digital Plus in Netflix.

I have attached the dxdiag output when using the Intel drivers.

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@Alx10: So your BIOS could use some updating - it looks like they've released 2 new ones since your version. One of the fixes in the latest version is an updated Intel Management Engine - which works with streaming media such as Netflix*. Here's a link;

Let me know if you still have the issue after the BIOS update.

@sh83: What is the make/model of your system?



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