"software engineer" Posts in "Blogs"

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Developing Wireless Technologies at Intel Austria: A Conversation with a Design Engineer

Creating innovative technologies takes a lot of talent and teamwork. Intel Austria has employees tha...
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He Solves Real-World Problems and Pushes Storage Forward at Intel Poland

Learn how this manager went from thesis student to technical leader in 10 short years – and the advi...
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How Marta’s Transitioned from Working Student to Software Engineer

Meet Marta Navarro, a software engineer in the System Debugger team within our Intel Architecture, G...
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Intel Poland: Creating the voice-and vision-enabled assistive devices of the future

Learn how this software engineering manager and his team in Gdansk are using artificial intelligence...
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Having fun while making the world more secure

This blog was posted on behalf of Justyna Chilczuk, a software engineering manager at Intel Gdansk, ...
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Inside Intel: New Intel Apps Ease Multi-gadget Connections

Note from the blog editor: A colleague, Linda, sent me this article because she was so excited abou...
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Job Openings: Tablets and Smartphones and Handhelds - Oh my!

Meet Adam from Intel’s Gadget Analysis Team. He's had a diverse career here, taking roles as a compu...
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Countdown to SIGGRAPH!

Wow, time flies! Remember last month I mentioned Intel would be attending the SIGGRAPH 2010 Conferen...
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Software at Intel? You Heard Me Right!

Since I love music nearly as much as recruiting, I thought I'd start off with a music-related analog...
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What it's like to be an Intel Software Engineering Student Intern

Hi all, my name is Nitzan. Netta here asked me to describe what it’s like to work as a student inter...
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Why does a hardware company need Software Engineers?

That’s the big question candidates asked me over the past few years I spent recruiting at Graphics c...
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